Befuddle is a cozy multiplayer party game where players take turns decoding the addictive word puzzles of your favourite songs, books, films and video games! Deliberate, deduce and decipher the mixed up titles with your friends or Twitch viewers and see who's the best Befuddler!
Moonstar Keep(Game Jam)
The jam lasted 3 days but we were only able to work for 1 and a half days because we got in late, so we had to rush this game, it was a very fun experience!
I was in charge of all the programming tasks from scene management, optimization, UI and gameplay mechanics.
Project Scarlata(Unity)
Little prototype project inspried on Celeste. Made the whole character controller and in-game mechanics.
Dialogue System(Unity/C#)
Using Unity Editor's new experimental tools made a dialogue system which can be used on any project. It supports multiple choices and audio through sentences.
It is totally free and it is easy to install!
Just copy the following link and paste it on your Package Manager!
Tap Monsters(Under Development)
Inspired on Tap Titans
A simple 2D mobile game prototype I've build with my brother(Artist) to help him get into Unity.
Took use of the Unity's device simulator to test performance on different devices.
Project Swift
Tools Used: C#, Unity.
Usage of common programming patterns to achieve the best performance and gameplay mechanics possible in this point and click RPG inspired in League of Legeds.
Changed cinemachine source code to implement new camera transitions and noise behaviours.
Developed Enemy AI using the navmesh system and Finite State Machine to make characters do their respective actions.Event Driven System
Use this plugin to create events in Unity using interfaces as a listener.
I use this on all my projects evertime I want to implement the observer pattern in a fast and easy way. We use interfaces to comunicate event listeners through the EventManager.